Mastering Kindle: Comprehensive Guide to Reading ACSM E-Books

Mastering Kindle: Comprehensive Guide to Reading ACSM E-Books
How to Read ACSM on Kindle
Posted by Jonny Greenwood on 8/1/2024 2:28:36 PM.
4.8 (45 comments)
If you download an eBook from an online eBook store and want to read the book on your Kindle eReader, the solution is to convert the ACSM file to kindle format. You might wonder why and how to do this. Don’t worry, as this article will provide you with a comprehensive answer.
To read acsm on a Kindle, follow these 4 steps.
Step 1 Using Adobe Digital Editions to open your ACSM files.
Step 2 Once opened, the ACSM will be saved as ePub or PDF.
Step 3 Remove DRM from the ACSM.
Step 4 Convert ACSM to Kindle supported format.
The following 4 parts will address all your questions.
Part 1: What’s an ACSM File
After you purchase an eBook online from the public library or a private bookseller, you can download it to have a look.
However, typically the downloaded file uses an .acsm suffix. In other words, the majority of the books you got from online stores are in ACSM format .
You may be confused about this file type since the acsm is not your actual eBook. It’s actually a download link to your eBook.
Part 2: How to Open with ACSM File
1. Can you open ACSM file on Kindle?
No, you can’t open an ACSM file directly on a Kindle. ACSM files are typically used to download eBooks from Adobe Digital Editions, and they contain information for downloading and activating the eBook on an Adobe-supported reader. Unfortunately, kindle is not the official reader for opening the acsm file and you cannot install ADE on your Kindle.
2. How to open ACSM file?
ACSM stands for Adobe Content Server Manager. This name suggests that Adobe manages the downloading of the ACSM file. To read an ACSM file, you need to use Adobe Digital Editions. No matter you are on windows, mac, even the android or ios device, you can open ACSM file .
I would recommend using Adobe program Adobe Digital Editions to open your acsm file. It’s also the best acsm ebook reader.
Step 1, create an Adobe account and authorize it.
Step 2, run ADE program and open acsm with it.
Double click acsm file and ADE will automatically start downloading your book as PDF or ePub, which is the actual eBook you purchased.
Step 3, read acsm file in ADE. (how to read books on ADE )
ACSM files restrict reproduction and transfer, limiting their use to the computer where the books were downloaded. Therefore, it is crucial to emphasize that before purchasing Adobe eBooks, whether in PDF or ePub format, you should install Adobe Digital Editions. This software is necessary to open ACSM file and read the eBook on your computer.
Part 3: How to Add ACSM File to Kindle
As mentioned earlier, the ACSM file can only be opened using Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) on your PC. If you attempt to open the file with any other application, such as Kindle for PC, an error message will be popped up.
This is because once an ACSM file is downloaded and opened with ADE, it becomes associated with ADE (Adobe Adept DRM). It is not compatible with Kindle or iPad. Furthermore, if you wish to read ACSM on Kindle, you will encounter another issue aside from the DRM protection – format limitations. Kindles support their own formats such as AZW3, AZW, MOBI, PRC, and TPZ, but not the common ePub or PDF formats.
Therefore, the key to resolving your problem and enabling you to read ACSM on Kindle lies in two steps: removing Adobe DRM and converting ACSM to kindle format.
By following the steps below and installing Epubor Ultimate . It is the best DRM Removal + eBook Converter.
1Install Epubor Ultimate.
Download Epubor Ultimate for Free
2Remove Adobe DRM.
When you launch Epubor Ultimate, you will see your downloaded ACSM file are listed under Adobe tab on the left side panel. All you need to do is to add your files to the right main window to remove DRM.
As you can see, DRM will be removed automatically. You can also have a look at how to remove DRM from .acsm file .
If you download Kobo eBooks from Kobo official site, the downloaded file will be ACSM. But, if the books are downloaded via Kobo for PC/Mac, the file will be Kepub instead of acsm. If you want to read Kobo on your Kindle, you should read this article regarding how to read Kobo kepub on Kindle .
3Convert ACSM to Kindle
In the drop-down output format menu, you can select Mobi/AZW3 as the output format. Then click the convert button to start the conversion.
Here is a video guide for you.
Part 4: How to Read ACSM Files on Kindle
After the successful conversion, click Succeeded or the book folder icon on the upper right corner of the software to find your converted files. Now all that remains is just to send the converted mobi to Kindle . Connect your Kindle device and computer via USB cable, then copy your converted acsm file to your Kindle document folder.
Enjoy your new eBooks!
Download Epubor Ultimate for Free
Jonny Greenwood joined Epubor since 2011, loves everything about eBooks and eReaders. He seeks the methods to read eBooks more freely and wants to share all he has got with you.
06/3/2014 19:35:46
Finally!! The best guide for the kind of operation I was trying to do
06/15/2014 13:54:37
thanks so much, this was great
07/23/2014 22:08:53
Thank you!
08/5/2014 11:20:34
thank you for your simple explanation.
10/29/2014 00:18:58
When I attempt to ope the ‘ascm’ file in ADE, an error window pops up stating:
What does that mean and what should I do?
11/17/2014 19:46:00
1, Check if you ADE has been authorized.
2, Check if you are authorizing the correct account which is the owner of the book
02/22/2015 08:49:30
I bought in Google Play.
Daniel Barros
02/22/2015 23:59:24
OK the Google Play books can be decrypted correctly. The most possible reason is the Adobe ID database is messed up.
The most solid solution is find a new computer which hasn’t installed Adobe Digital Editions yet.
Or you can try to reinstall ADE or use some apps like CCleaner to clean the remaining information of ADE.
03/5/2015 00:15:33
This is really excellent. Thank you for providing this. I am able to upload books (.acsm format) to my kindle with in seconds.
03/5/2015 02:38:11
Glad that our guide helps you.
04/18/2015 06:24:21
Thanks so much, perfectly simple and easy to use, have managed to move all of my epub books to my fire hdx with mimial effort! :-)
05/24/2015 08:03:54
GREAT FORMATTING! The best thing’s that the formatting in the resulting MOBI file is perfect. It’s exactly like the original EPUB file just compatible with Kindle. Thank you very much.
06/8/2015 21:10:22
Wow! Thanks. Worked great. Excellent instructions. Only one thing you left out - Ultimate Converter costs $25, although you can get a free trial to give it a try, which I did. Not sure how long the trial lasts.
06/10/2015 20:25:29
Our program free trial allows you to process 10 books for free, once you place an order, you can request refund in 30 days.
You can upgrade the program for free, and benefit our customer tech support.
Thank you
09/1/2015 02:26:44
Good day, I am just wondering the converted MOBI format will work the same as a native MOBI file? Would their properties be the same? For instance, can I still highlight notes and save them for future access?
09/1/2015 02:51:49
Yes, converted Mobi format will keep the original content without quality losing.
Maybe you can have a try to see, converted files will not replace your original Mobi books.
01/4/2016 13:58:27
Hello, I’m trying to convert an Adobe e-book (acsm file) to Kindle (Kindle for Mac). I’ve selected Kindle as my output format and the “E-book Converting” message has been up for several minutes now, with the blue loading-bar full from the start. Does that mean it’s still working? If so, how long might a 118mb file take?
Also, am I doing this wrong/ is there a better way to do this?
Thanks, Ryan
01/4/2016 23:19:54
It seems your file is a little bit large, it may take a while for converting.
As long as the conversion has been finished, the output folder will pop up automatically.
01/5/2016 00:52:04
Thanks for getting back to me, I will be more patient when I try it again. I see there’s no Kindle for Mac Output Format, but there is a Kindle for PC output format. If I want to convert the Adobe Digital Editions file to Kindle for Mac, which Output Format do I select?
01/5/2016 23:03:39
You can just select Mobi as output format.
01/29/2016 14:46:36
I have successfully converted the ACSM file to MOBI format!
Now, how do I open the MOBI file with the Kindle for Mac app?
01/31/2016 23:59:47
Yes, you can open it via Kindle for Mac app. If you have Kindle eReader, you can also transfer converted mobi file to it.
Thank you !
01/29/2016 15:21:36
I want to use Kindle for Mac to read my book that is currently on Adobe Digital editions (ADE). Based on this page, my plan was to convert the ACSM file to a MOBI file so I can read the book on Kindle for Mac.
But, I am confused because: This page mentioned that once ADE opens the ACSM file, it becomes a PDF file. The page also says that you must first open the ACSM file in ADE, and then convert the ACSM file to a MOBI file using Ultimate software. BUT, if I have opened the ACSM with ADE, the ACSM file is now a PDF! That is, when I look in the right side area of the Ultimate software under ADE, my book is a PDF!
Am I supposed to convert this PDF to a MOBI file? - This method doesn’t allow for the removing of the DRM from the ACSM step above; when I select this PDF to convert to MOBI using the software, and then open it in the Kindle for Mac reader, It becomes a messed-up mix of letters and partial pages; so I don’t think this is the way. If it is, what am I doing wrong?
If I am supposed to be selecting an ACSM file from the right side of the Ultimate software under the ADE tab, how do I make it appear there?
Thank you, Sean
02/1/2016 00:07:43
Yes, the correct step is: open acsm file via ADE, download complete PDF, launch our Ultimate, drag PDF file to it, the DRM will be removed automatically. Then convert PDF to Mobi.
You can email to support@epubor.com for technical support.
Thank you !
07/18/2016 18:42:34
Um. My Kindle Fire doesn’t have ADE in the app store.
08/2/2016 20:23:05
you have to download it from google playstore which you can download to your kindle
Epubor Angel
08/4/2016 02:56:48
You can only download ADE to your computer(PC or Mac), then make sure you can read your ACSM with ADE.
Once your ACSM saved as ePub or PDF, using the tool to help you convert your book to Mobi.
Then, transfer Mobi to your Kindle Fire.
09/20/2016 02:12:56
Thanks for the guide!
11/23/2016 19:08:12
Sunject: where is the converted file?
I concerted a .acsm file to Kindle format.
Great step by step tutorial….except….once converted, where IS the file so I can transfer it to my Kindle?
epubor angel
03/28/2017 17:33:15
Once converting finished, the output folder will pop up automatically, you can also click on “succeeded” to find them.
12/14/2016 20:17:35
Hi everyone;
I have a question. I have an ebook i am downloading it and I receive URLLink.acsm it is right but when I download same folder with safari on mac this folder downloading like URLLink.acsm.xml . How can I fix it in my codes. I am coding with c#.
This problem is because of safari. Safari decides extension of file automatically and my folder’s content is xml but it is a link and after download must be .acsm extensson not acsm.xml
How can I prevent safari to not check folder’s contain.
03/31/2017 09:42:59
Thanks a lot for the tutorial. I’ve only a question: Although I can read the book without any problem in my Kindle Paperwhite, I cannot highlight, change the font, or look up any word in the dictionary. Is there any way to do it?
07/19/2017 03:37:07
It doesn’t convert the whole book. Not even half.
07/20/2017 09:56:05
The trial version only can convert 20% of each book.
11/5/2017 21:55:38
THank you so much!!
09/8/2018 11:12:42
Nice work.
09/8/2018 11:26:01
It works like a charm. Now I can transfer my acsm file to my kindle oasis.
11/28/2018 08:13:03
nice !!
thank you!!
Zippy The Chimp
04/22/2019 12:19:44
I’d love to see these instructions written in English.
12/25/2019 21:59:16
Please mention that you have to buy a program license. It is dishonest to describe the tutorial without mentioning.
12/27/2019 09:19:23
Thank you for leaving the comments. We don’t mention Epubor Ultimate is a free software.
02/16/2020 21:36:53
Requires buying £25 license to remove DRM from a book that costs £2. Pointless waste of my time.
12/8/2020 15:50:57
Requires buying £25 license to remove DRM. I bought the book, i assumed i could read it on my kindle and not to be made to read it on my phone, that is nod MADE to read book. Disappointing.
06/23/2022 17:59:47
Hey, it seems that the formatting of EPUB from ADE goes to complete bust in the trial version. In both saved EPUB and PDF versions the book completely lost original formatting. The covers disappeared too, also the trial file has text from random chapters. Decryption alone saves the txt file in a trial? Is that correct?
06/27/2022 15:41:29
Thank you for asking. yes, that’s the trial limits. The licensed version will give your the full content in its original formatting.
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- Title: Mastering Kindle: Comprehensive Guide to Reading ACSM E-Books
- Author: Nova
- Created at : 2024-08-20 17:10:33
- Updated at : 2024-08-21 17:10:33
- Link: https://blog-min.techidaily.com/mastering-kindle-comprehensive-guide-to-reading-acsm-e-books/
- License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.